Cloud Cost Reduction

While modern cloud infrastructure such as AWS, GCP, Azure, Snowflake, Databricks, etc. make rapid development and scaling a breeze, such growth can come with unnecessarily large expenses in your cloud bill. Now more than ever, the bottom line matters as much as the top line. Table 74 is here to help bring your cloud costs down without compromising on performance.

Beyond Dashboards

While it is useful and important to understand the usage characteristics of your cloud resources, it is often not clear how best to utilize that insight. Table 74 can not only help identify and design the highest bang-for-buck optimizations to bring down your cloud costs, but also help you implement these optimizations.

The newest business analytics platform
Radically new solutions for data

Choose the Right Services

AWS alone has over 200 services, with new ones being rolled out at a rapid pace. Other vendors have their own set of unique and expanding capabilities. Our team of experts stay abreast of the latest developments, so your business can leverage the right set of services for optimal results.

Maximize Impact

Sometimes, a simple change in parameters can make a big difference to your overall cloud costs. In other cases, it may be worth changing the architecture of some core software to take advantage of newly available cloud services. Either way, Table 74 is here to help identify the right path and help implement the improvements.

The newest business analytics platform

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about how Table 74 can help your business.

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